Backcountry skiing Dana Couloir California
70 miles North of Bishop California / Dana Mountain

Backcountry skiing Dana Couloir California
Skiing Dana Mountain
Dana Couloir is one of the 50 classic California Backcountry ski descents
approach The Dana Couloir by "the Glacier Canyon Trail (GCT) which starts at the Tioga Lake overlook. The overlook is outside of the Yosemite National Park boundaries so there are none of the NPS hassles you may find inside the park. Follow the GCT to the Upper Meadows and head up the valley to Dana Lake. From there the couloir is obvious and you can make your way to the bottom without delay. Climbing the couloir is fairly easy in good snow conditions – 1,200 vertical feet of kicking steps. The top elevation is close to 12,500 feet so it can be a lot more tiring than it looks if you have come directly from the low country. It can get firm at times so either be prepared for some easy ice climbing (ice axe and crampons)"
- Liberty Chute,
- Ripper Chute,
- Coke Chute,
- 3rd pillar chute,
- Dana Couloir
- Kidney Couloir
"More extreme lines are commonly skied up there. You’ll find some more mellow terrain in this area as well as awesome couloirs coming off the plateau all along the eastern edge"
Backcountry skiing Dana Couloir California